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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Information About Home Schooling: Is It Suitable For Your Child?

There are a lot of parents who would like home schooling for their child. But they are afraid because they don't exactly know if they can be their children's teacher. They also need to find out if home schooling is suitable for their child and if there really is a need to home school their child. Of course most parents would like to have their children educated in school. The school is such a good place for learning practical skills and application.

Home schooling is efficient and helpful if you want it to be. You will be responsible for your child's education so you will surely be the one to blame if they don't learn. If your child prefers to be alone or isolated, you should not force him to go to school and mingle with the other kids. For sure, he will not feel comfortable and the learning process might be slow. If your child wants to learn at home with you, it will be to your advantage to teach him the basics.

Now that the education process is in demand, your child has a lot of options to choose from. First is to learn from the books just like the way they do it in school. Another way is by learning online through the use of e-books. E-books are the easy way to learn if your child does not feel comfortable with the teacher due to traumatic experiences or other reasons.

If going to school is geographically too far, you can educate your child at home. Traveling might be costly, stressful, and tiring. If your child has some physical disabilities, he might encounter difficulties in the public school system therefore home schooling might be the way to go. If your child has low self-esteem, and lacks confidence, he might not be able to deal with the pressures in public school, and could experience a lot of difficulties that may hinder his learning and social awareness. If your child has signs of autism or abnormalities, being home schooled would be the best way to go to ensure comfort and effective learning.

If your child's interest is learning at home, home schooling will be the ultimate option. There are kids who go to school just to play and never study. If this is the case, bringing him to school will be useless and ineffective.

There is a fine balance with home schooling to ensure that your child has a relevant education alongside socializing and playing sports with other children. Home schooling allows you to impart values and teachings that you hold dear while adhering to the basic curriculum.

As long as your child has plenty of opportunity to mix with other children their age and you feel that you are adequately equipped to teach then home schooling can provide an effective alternative to sending your child to school.

The Ultimate University and College Freshers Guide Part 1 - It's all about meeting people.

So here's some advice on what happens when you get to University or College and your parents disappear in a cloud of tyre smoke. Your standing there with all the other students and freshers you don't know. The campus guide is confusing the hell out of you and it's all a little scary.

Well, the first thing to realise is that every fresher at university or college is in the same boat. Now that may seem obvious but it is easy to forget when your heart is going at 1000 beats per minute, your head is spinning and your stomach feels like its rejecting your body! You will be scared and other students will be scared so don't be fooled by other peoples bravado, its just a defence mechanism!

What you have to remember is to be sociable even if you feel like you want to curl up in a ball and cry. Don't! This is the best time to make friends but don't think that your whole reputation at University or college hinges on the first impression you make and don't think that the friends you make in the first week will be the friends you are stuck with for the rest of the year!

Freshers week is about meeting other students, lots of other students. You will like some of them and dislike others. Some people will like you and some people, people with very bad taste, will like you less. You will have to live with that.
Obviously all Freshers weeks are going to be different and ordered in different ways but most will involve you arriving at a halls. You will be given a key to your room on campus and allowed to go and make it your own. My advice is to get settled in and put up all your posters, pictures and anything else that reminds you of home. Make the room your own, everything else about your life will be new for a while so make sure there are some familiar things to help you settle in. Put some music on and decorate to your hearts content. Your there you have done it you have made it to college or university, so start enjoying it.

Homeschool is a Superb Child Education Solution

A number of parents and youngsters are unhappy about the state of today's modern schooling institutions. Disciplinary problems, Drugs and gangs are just a sample of the issues that today's parents and teens are concerned with. If you are thinking about an education alternative, give some consideration to homeschool educating by considering the following information.

Home Schooled adolescents are mainly tutored by one or both parents. The modern school day of eight to three or something in the region can go out the window in some situations. As an alternative, parents may choose to oversee their Childs education every evening after work with the chances of including sections of the weekends. Also, parents can pay for a teacher or make it so that one parent is able to oversee the kids education while the other takes care of earning a wage.

Another point is the curriculum. Home schooling parents must select a program of study that works with, not against, their children's learning capabilities and styles. You see some kids are visual learners while others need more hands-on assistance by assembling things or taking them to bits. And, the curriculum of your choosing will have to be okayed by the local education board. Check out the different variations that can be located online or that circulate among home schooling groups or appear in your local library. The school superintendent or local press may also be able to help in this area.

It is vitally important to ensure that your children are meeting educational goals and are keeping with their age and grade capabilities. A majority of homeschooled learners actually perform better than their counterparts in conventional schooling, Others can fall behind and may not do well in a one on one setting with the parent. It may well be up to the parents, who may have little or no formal education, to ensure the quality and standard of their kids education

Last but not least, be sure to supplement at-home education with field trips, community group activities, and perhaps extracurricular participation in sports, music, or art classes. You can get more info about these from the local community institutions, library , or certain county high schools that provide such services. Home-schooled students are among the brightest and best prepared fro college. But take care to make sure that your child receives a quality, top notch education if you decide to choose this option. For further information and advice, contact one of the broad-based home schooling programs or check with the local school board to source other parents in your area who are themselves in the process of homeschool education. If however this turns out to be tough you could easily put an ad in the local press. This way you should be able to find some other homeschooling parents and together the task of homeschool education would hopefully be easier and the end result will be a quality education for your kids.

How You Can Learn Spanish Online Easily

Learning a new language such as Spanish can be really rewarding and it can really broaden your options in job, travel. However, many people don't have the time to attend an after work class because of family commitments. For those people there is an alternative. You can learn to speak Spanish online

If you are looking to learn Spanish fast online then fear not - it couldn't be easier. Whilst there are many Spanish courses online which do take a long time to complete, there is also a good selection of quick lessons which you can really benefit from.

Sometimes you don't always have time to join up with long term language courses. It could be that you are going on a last minute holiday or perhaps you have an unexpected business meeting with a Spanish client? If so and you are not overly confident in your ability to speak Spanish, you may be in desperate need of fast Spanish lessons. But is it really possible to learn Spanish fast online?

Ideally when you look to learn Spanish fast online, you need to take a number of factors into account. The main one is do the lessons tell you how to say the words? Some fast track courses will only show you how the word is said and this makes it a lot more difficult to learn. So with any online quick Spanish courses, they should be interactive and you should be able to hear the word being said to you. It is a well known fact that people learn quicker when they hear and see things together. So a good fast online Spanish course will make use of these skills. <

Learning to speak Spanish online can be a lot cheaper than learning in a class. You can even learn to speak Spanish online for free if you look around. The great thing about the internet is that there is always a lot of information that you can pick up for free and learning to speak Spanish is one topic you should find a lot of free information on. However, are free Spanish lessons really as good as paid lessons?

Free Spanish Lessons versus Paid Spanish Lessons

It is possible if you look around enough, to find good quality free Spanish lessons online. As with all free information online, it really does differ in quality. So it is possible to find both good and bad free lessons online. However when you really want to learn Spanish, it is definitely worth taking a paid lesson instead of looking for free lessons as free lesson might teach wrong Spanish.

The reason you should opt for paid lessons over free lessons online is because with paid lessons you know you are getting good quality. You may even have your own online tutor who can help you if you get stuck. They should also contain resources which you can use if want to. Generally paid lessons are a lot more in depth and useful than free lessons.

Tricks to Attract the Woman like a Magnet

Every man interested to attract the woman like a magnet. Any one can attract a woman easily like a magnet if they follow some tricks. These tricks to attract a woman may be able to help you a great deal, but keep in mind that the best and foolproof course of action is still to be the perfect gentleman. Find out the influential, step-by-step secrets of how to meet, Attracting, Charming and Impressive kind of Woman you have always wanted.
Whether you are looking for someone for just fun or you are looking for a life partner, many men often feel ill at ease around gorgeous and attractive women. Women can seem unachievable, complicated and hard to reach, but really, nothing is further from the truth. When you are looking for some lovely and pretty female company, there are many things that you can do to make sure that you are not spending the evening alone. There are many tricks to attract women like a magnet. These tricks give you immediate results!!
Be confident

How to change your self confidence, for good, so that you no longer feel anxiety, self doubt and nervousness when approaching women and starting conversations. If you have no faith in yourself, why should she? One of the most attractive qualities that a man can have is confidence, and you will find that if you have it, you will have plenty of company. It does not matter what you really do, or how you really feel, confidence can be faked. A person who is happy and confident is very attractive, so walk around as if you own the place and many people will just assume that you do. Confidence in one's self! Use positive body language, take meaningful actions, and be your genuine self without regard to what others may think of you. This doesn't mean you should act like a jerk, because no one likes a jerk either. It simply means that in order to attract a woman, you must be confident in yourself.
Laws of Attraction
Find out exactly how to talk to women so that they feel something is different about you from every other man that she has ever met. This will increase her attraction for you every time that you talk to her. This subject has been poked, prodded, turned upside down and inside out. It is contained within every magazine and book and research paper on the subject of love that you will ever run across. As a relationship expert myself, I have an entire wall of books dedicated to this subject alone, and more books and articles and theories are created every day around the globe on the differences between men and women regarding their particular triggers for attraction. It is right under your nose, every day, everywhere…on TV, out in public, you name the place its right there staring you down! Yet unbelievably, there are still people who are completely clueless about the Laws of Attraction.
Be Genuine and Original
If you are looking for a life partner or girlfriend, be up front about that too. The right woman will appreciate honesty, and you don't want to be with one who doesn't. Think about what you really want, and make sure the girl of your choice knows it too. Of course, everyone knows that being "nice" is considered socially acceptable in the world. But, women do not choose a lover based upon how nice they may be – that's how they choose their friends.
Use of Body Language
Use of body language is flirting and tone of speech in order to attract and understand women. Dress up to impressively. What to wear as far as style, fashion and colors go in order to make women 'feel' like you are a true catch. Keep these in mind that she'll not only find you fascinating, she'll grow in attraction to you every time you speak. Discover the inner workings of the female mind and how attraction works for her. One thing that women value in a man over anything else, demonstrate this and women will get crushes on you. Hint: It isn't money, looks, values or self confidence. History has shown us that very powerful, wealthy people have fallen head over heels in love with others that have neither power nor wealth. What did they have? They had a personality, and that personality was based upon confidence! You see, positive character traits are compelling attributes that act like magnets and literally draw women to you instantly. Believe it or not, women prefer to be romanced by men who hold out their arms and pull them in for a hug rather than men who pull out their wallets whenever they seek attention.
Take Some Action
If you want something, you must take some action to get it. If you find out that it was not what you really wanted, then you move on to the next challenge. Life is a constantly evolving experience of action after action after action. So, if you want to approach a woman you are attracted to and get her number or if you are dating someone that you feel like kissing, do not just sit there acting all nervous and confused. Instead, walk right up to her and ask for the number or move right in and kiss her.

The writer of this article Muhammad Zubair is an expert of Man & Woman behavior about relationship. He has written my articles. Source of complete article is

Learn Spanish - Quick And Easy

The first thing I discovered upon my arrival in Caracas was that I remembered much less Spanish than I thought I did. As it had been over five years since I had taken a Spanish course I guess I really shouldn't have been surprised right? Who can really expect to remember much from a high school course that was mediocre at best? As I tried desperately to order a simple sandwich and something to drink, I realized that if I didn't at least attempt to learn Spanish I would most likely starve after a week or so.

How exactly does one go about learning Spanish in a Latin American country? Seems pretty easy right? Well I assure you it is not, especially when your entire day is spent speaking English. Another obstacle that I quickly encountered was the very rapid way in which everyone speaks in this city. It is amazing how a sentence containing 10 words or so can come out sounding almost like one long word. Is that what English sounds like to people who don't speak English? It is exceedingly difficult to learn words in another language when you are unable to decipher exactly where one word ends and another begins. This process is made even harder by the fact that most people here fail to pronounce the whole word anyway. There were many words that I was convinced I knew and was using quite frequently. Imagine my dismay when I found out they had whole other syllables on the end of the word. No wonder I had been getting funny looks from people on the street and in restaurants.

I eventually came to the conclusion that an actual course was needed or even better, a private tutor of some sort. The only way I was ever going to learn Spanish was by actually sitting down and studying with someone who could answer the myriad of questions that arose everyday. Sad isn't it? Here I sit, living in a Latin American country and I am unable to pick up the language without resorting to private lessons. Some people seem to have an ear for languages and can pick them up simply by listening, too bad I will never be one of those people.

Business Entity Mistakes - Criminal Conduct and Independence

In this age of information, most small business owners understand they need the protection provided by a corporation or limited liability company. Such protection, however, can be lost though certain actions.

Criminal Action

Creating a business entity only protects a business and shareholders from civil liability. Civil liability arises from a body of state and federal law that allows for compensation for alleged wrongs. These wrongs can arise in the form of negligence, contractual breach and so on. If an entity is found civilly liable, it must pay compensation, but no jail time is involved.

Neither a corporation, limited liability company nor any other entity will protect anyone from criminal liability. Claims to the contrary published on various web sites are simply wrong. A person forming a corporation to front for a ponzi scheme or scam to defraud consumers is going to receive no protection from criminal prosecution. If you have any doubts on this issue, simply consider the recent criminal convictions of the Tyco and Enron executives.

Standing Apart

Both corporations and limited liability companies are considered to "stand apart" from their investors for legal purposes. In essence, both entities are considered to be "persons" under the law. This legal fiction is, of course, what gives rise to the asset protection element of both entities. Unfortunately, many small businesses don't understand this distinction and lose the asset protection when the most need it.

To maintain the asset protection benefits of a business entity, you must treat it as an independent party. For instance, you do not "own" a corporation. Such statements can come back to haunt you when a plaintiff's attorney presents them in court while arguing the entity is a sham. To avoid this problem, you can simply say you are the President of the business entity or whatever position you hold.

In Closing

Forming a business entity is a necessary step for most small businesses. Once the entity is formed, make sure you follow the necessary formal procedures to maintain asset protection.

What is Business School All About Anyway?

The ultimate goal for those who enroll in an MBA program is career advancement. What form this advancement will take depends completely on each individual's personal agenda. One student may plan to return to work for a former employer in a more sophisticated context, while another may seek to change careers entirely, transferring to a field that is more challenging or fulfilling. Other more entrepreneurial students may attempt to launch an independent business. Whatever the case may be, MBA programs are designed to guide the student toward the path of their choosing while providing the skills that will be required when they reach their destination.

How do they do this you ask? Well, the most successful MBA programs strive to gather groups of students with diverse backgrounds and goals and then facilitate the sharing of their experiences in the context of the study of theoretical business applications. Before we get in to the academic elements of the MBA program, let's first take a look at some of the different techniques schools are currently using to cultivate leadership qualities in their students (besides the standard lectures, papers, exams, etc?).

1) Problem-Based Learning (a.k.a Case Studies)

Rather than simply conveying material to the students through lectures, business schools are now using the problem-based learning format to force students to think for themselves rather than regurgitate material that they've memorized.

Classes are subdivided into small groups and each group is presented with a particular management issue or problem.

As a team, the students must research the case they've been presented with and apply what they've learned from their studies to come up with a solution to the particular problem.

This type of exercise forces students to become "horizontal thinkers" who must consider ALL factors related to a particular decision rather than simply looking at an issue from on particular perspective (ie. accounting vs. marketing vs. finance).

2) Studies in the Field

Many schools are now supplementing class lectures and individuals study time with studies in the field

Although most students coming into MBA programs already have significant work experience, schools continue to stress the importance of "learning from doing"

The interpersonal skills that are crucial to strong leadership cannot be taught in the classroom setting but rather must be observed first hand in the field.

3) Team-Based Learning

While many of the projects assigned in business school require students to work in groups, team-based learning focuses specifically on how to work as team.

The goal isn't so much to complete a particular assignment or project on some managerial issue, but rather the to learn how to work closely with others.

Setting goals, assigning responsibilities, and learning to rely on others are some of the skills involved.

Because team project and work groups have become so common in the business world, the schools are stressing teamwork abilities now more than ever..

The Curriculum

Now of course, underlying all of these different teaching techniques, is the curriculum itself. The first year courses of most MBA programs make up what is known as the core curriculum. While each school tries to present the material in what they believe is a unique or progressive manner, there remains minimal variation in these courses from school to school because every MBA student must ultimately have a fairly extensive level of knowledge in the following areas:

Business Strategy Analysis

Financial and Managerial Accounting

Management Statistics and Data Analysis

Managerial Economics

Marketing Management

Managerial Finance

Managing Organizations

Operations Management

For a detailed description of any or all of these courses, please browse through the course calendar or website of the particular business schools you are considering.

Once this core curriculum has been completed, most business schools allow their students to spend the remainder of their course time on electives. Many schools are recognized for particular programs that they offer and this recognition tends to revolve around these second year elective courses. Often business schools will have faculty who are eminent leaders in their field lecturing for these courses, providing the class with cutting edge research and the latest advancements in the area. Some of the areas that a second-year MBA student can specialize in include:


Arts Management

Educational Administration

Entrepreneurial Ventures Finance


Health Care Administration

Human Resource


Management Consultants

Management Information


Manufacturing Management


Not-for-Profit Organizations

Operations Management

Small Business Management

So as you can see, it's no longer possible to pigeonhole business schools as gathering places for society's elite, who put in a couple of years before taking over the family empire. A degree from a reputable business school can now place you on the fast track for a leadership position in any one of an incredibly diverse number of career paths. The MBA has become just as important in public service domains such as education, government, and healthcare administration as it is in the more traditional corporate sectors.

What to Expect for the Costs you have Sunk In?

Having established that going to business school represents a pretty serious financial burden, let's see what you're actually getting for all those dollars your laying out. What are the "frills" schools are using to attract students, and the impact that the program can have on your ability to attract employment and your earning potential once you've found the job you've been seeking.


Talk about plush. Be prepared to work extremely hard when you get to business school, but if your at one of the better ones, take solace in the fact that you'll be doing it in style. The fact is that many of the schools (and not just the powerhouses) are investing heavily in infrastructure to woo you. Remember, there's a definite element of reciprocity in the relationship between schools and applicants. To put it simply, they want you to like them just as much as you want them to like you. As a result a significant proportion of a business school's dean's time is spent fundraising. Many schools are building brand new buildings, with brand new classrooms, libraries, conference rooms, cafeterias and students lounges all supplied and state-of-the-art technology. Just as one example, Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management has built a simulated trading floor with the exact same technology being used by real analysts.


The business world is ALL about connections. We're not going to feed you the line that "it's who you know not what you know" but rather that it's "who you know AND what you know". For that reason, an MBA program has become incredibly important for young people trying to get their foot in the door. At business school you're going to educated in the "what" and immersed in the "who." Without even realizing it, you're going to be spending two full years networking. Whether it's faculty who have pivotal roles in major corporations, corporations who've formed alliances with the school, or fellow students, over the course of the program you're going to be in close contact with individuals who are currently, or will be in the future, extremely influential in the business community. Imagine your new best friend happens to be the next Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, David Filo, or Jerry Yang just waiting to surface. Well that's the kind of relationship that fortunes are built on.


The following excerpts come directly from the Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools (6 th ed.). It summarizes the relationship between MBAs and corporate hiring so well that felt we should pass it straight on to you completely unadulterated. We further recommend that you find the complete article from which this excerpt was taken (available on the web) for supplementary reading and that you use the guide as one of your resources for choosing the right business school for you (in our opinions it's one of the most informative).

As we approach the millennium, the MBA is unquestionably the hottest degree you can hold, particularly from an elite school. The stats prove it: At virtually all of the best schools, GMAT scores and starting pay packages are setting records. Applications are too, although a large part of the boom is coming from overseas...The 61 schools surveyed by business week for its 1998 rankings waded through 116,912 applications for the Class of 2000, and the average GMAT score was 667 for those attending the Top 25 schools, up from 649 just two years earlier.

Today, the MBA is on its way to becoming a requirement for anyone who hopes to build a career in Corporate America, and, indeed, much of the world... Certainly, it's true that corporate recruiters can't seem to hire enough MBAs these days. The 259 recruiters who participated in business week's 1998 survey of the best business schools hired 10,348 MBAs in total, a 28 percent rise from 1996. And they would have hired even more if they could have: Grads of the Top 25 business schools averaged 3.2 job offers each, up from 2.3 in 1992, and compensation exploded. The median pay package (salary, bonus, and extras such as stock options or moving expenses) at the Top 25 hit $111,420, up 19 percent from just two years ago. Another telling figure: Median pay topped $100,000 at 18 of our Top 25-versus 5 two years ago.

Home Made Acne Treatments

The difference between natural acne treatments products and non-natural acne treatment products is that difference except natural treatment products does not include any side effects. Although natural acne treatment products have been increasing its popularity over the latest few years, another popular type of acne treatment was found, the home made acne treatment products.

Home made acne treatment products may range from natural products to non natural products. The greatest advantage is that one can use different acne treatment products until you find one that they prefer and that works best on them. So this way they do not need to buy many different products to find one that works best but easily make the product at home to try it and then make more when it gives a good result.

Still sometimes these treatment products can be natural, they also give the advantages of natural treatment products, no side effects. They are still acne treatment products but they may take longer to treat the acne, sometimes it may take up to months with a home made acne treatment product to make the acne go away.

Basically home made acne treatments are made with the sources that one has. Since everyone is different, the identical acne treatment product will not give the same results to everyone. So therefore home made acne treatment can quickly find the perfect acne treatment product for you. This type of acne treatment has been gaining popularity for a long time now. This type of acne treatment is also the cheapest kind of acne treatment out there. Some researches have found that other people's remedies for acne will not work sometimes but then when using a home made acne remedy, it could do the job and get rid of your acne.

There is also one bad point in using home made acne treatments. They might not work and may sometimes add to the problem. If the treatment has not been made correctly it may add to the acne problem with side effects and other skin issues. Most people would just use trail and error because most of the skin issues that is caused by a side effect can be cured. It is best to do some research before making your own home made acne treatment product.

Home Made Acne Treatments

The difference between natural acne treatments products and non-natural acne treatment products is that difference except natural treatment products does not include any side effects. Although natural acne treatment products have been increasing its popularity over the latest few years, another popular type of acne treatment was found, the home made acne treatment products.

Home made acne treatment products may range from natural products to non natural products. The greatest advantage is that one can use different acne treatment products until you find one that they prefer and that works best on them. So this way they do not need to buy many different products to find one that works best but easily make the product at home to try it and then make more when it gives a good result.

Still sometimes these treatment products can be natural, they also give the advantages of natural treatment products, no side effects. They are still acne treatment products but they may take longer to treat the acne, sometimes it may take up to months with a home made acne treatment product to make the acne go away.

Basically home made acne treatments are made with the sources that one has. Since everyone is different, the identical acne treatment product will not give the same results to everyone. So therefore home made acne treatment can quickly find the perfect acne treatment product for you. This type of acne treatment has been gaining popularity for a long time now. This type of acne treatment is also the cheapest kind of acne treatment out there. Some researches have found that other people's remedies for acne will not work sometimes but then when using a home made acne remedy, it could do the job and get rid of your acne.

There is also one bad point in using home made acne treatments. They might not work and may sometimes add to the problem. If the treatment has not been made correctly it may add to the acne problem with side effects and other skin issues. Most people would just use trail and error because most of the skin issues that is caused by a side effect can be cured. It is best to do some research before making your own home made acne treatment product.

No More Distractions with Noise Reduction Headphones

The world is a very noisy place with loud, intermittent sounds and constant, droning noises – noise reduction headphones can help you get a little peace amongst the distractions of everyday life. Headphones can block out the myriad of sounds that occur in a variety of setting and are helpful to many different people.

Sleeping – If you have trouble sleeping, noise reduction headphones may aid you in getting some rest. Barking dogs, traffic, and awake family members can contribute to sleepless nights, and for those who are sensitive to noise when they're trying to sleep, noise reduction headphones create a sound-free environment so they can rest.

Playing Music – Musicians often use noise reduction headphones to help them block out sounds that may interfere with them hearing their instrument. Once the background noise is blocked, they are free to concentrate purely on the sounds they are making rather than the sounds around them. This creates an environment of total immersion into their music and allows them to perfect their work without being in a studio.

Autistic Students – Noise reduction headphones can also be used in the classroom to help autistic children. Often classroom environments can be distracting to children with autism. Headphones for the children help teachers instruct each student individually so others aren't confused or distracted by the instructions for the other students.

Studying – Noise reduction headphones are very useful in situations where you need peace and quiet but can't always control the environment. Students who are studying may find noise reduction headphones helpful in blocking out the distracting sounds around them. Headphones create a peaceful world in which they can focus on their work, rather than environmental noises or the sounds of others

Fact and Truth

Thought experiments (Gedankenexperimenten) are "facts" in the sense that they have a "real life" correlate in the form of electrochemical activity in the brain. But it is quite obvious that they do not relate to facts "out there". They are not true statements.

But do they lack truth because they do not relate to facts? How are Truth and Fact interrelated?

One answer is that Truth pertains to the possibility that an event will occur. If true – it must occur and if false – it cannot occur. This is a binary world of extreme existential conditions. Must all possible events occur? Of course not. If they do not occur would they still be true? Must a statement have a real life correlate to be true?

Instinctively, the answer is yes. We cannot conceive of a thought divorced from brainwaves. A statement which remains a mere potential seems to exist only in the nether land between truth and falsity. It becomes true only by materializing, by occurring, by matching up with real life. If we could prove that it will never do so, we would have felt justified in classifying it as false. This is the outgrowth of millennia of concrete, Aristotelian logic. Logical statements talk about the world and, therefore, if a statement cannot be shown to relate directly to the world, it is not true.

This approach, however, is the outcome of some underlying assumptions:

First, that the world is finite and also close to its end. To say that something that did not happen cannot be true is to say that it will never happen (i.e., to say that time and space – the world – are finite and are about to end momentarily).

Second, truth and falsity are assumed to be mutually exclusive. Quantum and fuzzy logics have long laid this one to rest. There are real world situations that are both true and not-true. A particle can "be" in two places at the same time. This fuzzy logic is incompatible with our daily experiences but if there is anything that we have learnt from physics in the last seven decades it is that the world is incompatible with our daily experiences.

The third assumption is that the psychic realm is but a subset of the material one. We are membranes with a very particular hole-size. We filter through only well defined types of experiences, are equipped with limited (and evolutionarily biased) senses, programmed in a way which tends to sustain us until we die. We are not neutral, objective observers. Actually, the very concept of observer is disputable – as modern physics, on the one hand and Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, have shown.

Imagine that a mad scientist has succeeded to infuse all the water in the world with a strong hallucinogen. At a given moment, all the people in the world see a huge flying saucer. What can we say about this saucer? Is it true? Is it "real"?

There is little doubt that the saucer does not exist. But who is to say so? If this statement is left unsaid – does it mean that it cannot exist and, therefore, is untrue? In this case (of the illusionary flying saucer), the statement that remains unsaid is a true statement – and the statement that is uttered by millions is patently false.

Still, the argument can be made that the flying saucer did exist – though only in the minds of those who drank the contaminated water. What is this form of existence? In which sense does a hallucination "exist"? The psychophysical problem is that no causal relationship can be established between a thought and its real life correlate, the brainwaves that accompany it. Moreover, this leads to infinite regression. If the brainwaves created the thought – who created them, who made them happen? In other words: who is it (perhaps what is it) that thinks?

The subject is so convoluted that to say that the mental is a mere subset of the material is to speculate

Earning Your Degree Online

It is not at all surprising that numerous business schools and universities have established online degree programs. Acquiring your first degree or advancing your education has become very popular for a diverse group of people.

Studying for your degree online has numerous advantages. Some of these advantages are:

1. The classes can be scheduled as you like. Studying can be scheduled at a convenient time for you. If you are a daytime worker, you can take classes at night or on the weekend .

If you have a family in addition to a hectic work schedule, it is tough to combine a working life with a learning life-especially if you have to commute to campus for scheduled classes and meetings.

Online degree programs let you study on your own terms, develop your presentations, or take exams when you have the time and energy to do so.

2. Over enrollment of students in classes is a common problem encountered at universities and colleges. Over enrollment in classes is usually not a problem when you pursue an online degree.

3. Students enrolled in an online degree program do not worry about being bumped out of classes.

4. Since you can take all your classes at home, there is no need for a costly commute to campus. The student never has to sit in traffic, wait at a bus stop, or contend with foul weather.

5. An online degree program is adjusted to your needs, as opposed to campus-based programs, in which classes are organized around the schedules of staff and faculty.

One of the best ways to enhance your career opportunities is to enroll in an online degree program. Online degree programs offer great flexibility; they combine online lectures from qualified business leaders with routine class meetings.

More than ever, companies are paying part or all of tuitions for employees who pursue graduate degrees in their field. From a cost-benefit perspective, online learning looks like a wise choice.